has name of person Amedeo
has date of death 1383
has date of birth 1334
has term of rank or honour or office
Count of Savoy
Κόμης της Σαβοΐας
ο Πράσινος κόμης
description Amedeo, VI, Κόμης της Σαβοΐας, 1334-1383.
dateModified 2021-12-29T00:31:54.000Z

Access Points
has access point for person
Amedeo, VI, Count of Savoy, 1334-1383
Amedeo, VI, Κόμης της Σαβοΐας, 1334-1383
Conte Verde, 1334-1383
Green Count of Savoy, 1334-1383
Αμεδαίος, ΣΤ΄, ο Πράσινος κόμης, 1334-1383
has variant access point for person
Amedeo, VI, Count of Savoy, 1334-1383
Conte Verde, 1334-1383
Green Count of Savoy, 1334-1383
Αμεδαίος, ΣΤ΄, ο Πράσινος κόμης, 1334-1383
has authorized access point for person
Amedeo, VI, Κόμης της Σαβοΐας, 1334-1383
has note on person
Εγκ. Μπριτάννικα, Αμεδαίος
has identifier for person
RDF/XML JSON/LD n-triples Notation3