a φυσικό πρόσωπο
has date of birth 1797
has date of death 1879
has term of rank or honour or office Sir
has given name Anthony
description Italian librarian (1797-1879) and Principal Librarian of the British Museum
has surname Panizzi
dateModified 2022-01-23T00:25:33.000Z
Caricature of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Panizzi" class="extiw" title="en:Anthony Panizzi">Anthony Panizzi</a> (1797-1879). Caption read "Books". Vanity Fair, 17 January 1874 Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
Sir Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi (16 September 1797 – 8 April 1879), better known as Anthony Panizzi, was a naturalised British citizen of Italian birth, and an Italian patriot. He was a librarian, becoming the Principal Librarian (i.e. head) of the British Museum from 1856 to 1866.
Wikipedia contributors. "Anthony Panizzi." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 9/27/2024, 2:27:07 AM. Web. 9/29/2024, 7:24:31 PM.
Access Points
has access point for person
Panizzi, Anthony, Sir, 1797-1879
has authorized access point for person
Panizzi, Anthony, Sir, 1797-1879
has identifier for person
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