a φυσικό πρόσωπο
has date of birth 1844
has date of death 1922
has term of rank or honour or office Sir
has given name John Edwin
has surname Sandys
description Sandys, John Edwin, Sir, 1844-1922.
dateModified 2022-02-13T00:43:30.000Z
Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, (15 November 1907 – 24 March 2001) was a British historian, geographer, classicist and an operative for the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in occupied Greece during the Second World War. Hammond was seen as the leading expert on the history of ancient Macedonia. His trilogy, A History of Macedonia, has been described as "[t]he most celebrated (and partly irreplaceable) work" on the subject. Additionally, he was recognized for his meticulous research on the geography, historical topography and history of ancient Epirus.
Wikipedia contributors. "N. G. L. Hammond." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 9/27/2024, 2:46:14 AM. Web. 9/29/2024, 8:33:01 PM.
Access Points
has access point for person
Sandys, J. E., Sir, 1844-1922, (John Edwin)
Sandys, John Edwin, Sir, 1844-1922
has authorized access point for person
Sandys, John Edwin, Sir, 1844-1922
has note on person
has identifier for person
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